LITTLEMILL 25yo 1988 2014, 52.2% Hart Brothers Finest Collection, 1st Fill Sherry Butt, Dd:11.88/96.14
GLENDRONACH 13yo 2003 2016, 55.2% OB for 17th Whiskyherbst in Berlin, Pedro Ximénez Sherry Puncheon . C#2356, 702Bts. Dd:07.03/08.16
GLENDRONACH 13yo 2003 2016, 55.6% OB for Wein & Whisky Berlin Pedro Ximenez Puncheon C#4629 . 602Bts. Dd:08.03/08.16
GLENDRONACH 20yo 1995 2016, 53.8% OB for The German Malt Whisky Community, PX Sherry Puncheon . C#5269, 705Bts. Dd:12.95/09.16
GLENDRONACH 22yo 1995 2017, 48.9% OB for La Maison du Whisky, Pedro Ximenez Puncheon C#3054 . 661Bts. Dd:06.95/09.17
GLENFARCLAS 9yo 2002 2011, 56.1% OB for Cöpenicker Whiskyherbst 2011, 1st Fill Oloroso Sherry Casks . 672Bts.
CAOL ILA 7yo 2013 2021, 50% Claxton’s Exploration Series, PX Sherry Cask, C# EXP1007, Dd:07.13/03.21
THE MYSTERIOUS SOUTH COAST ISLAY 10yo 2022, 53.8% Face to Face Spirit Company Session 2 . Sherry Butt